Bicyclists face danger as they ride on the highways in the U.S. Even those who follow the rules may not be respected by those in trucks and cars. And in a fight between an automobile and a bicycle, there is no contest.
A recent study points out another disturbing reality. Latino and Hispanic riders face greater risks of injury on local California roads than other populations do. The injuries inflicted during these accidents are often severe and can cause permanent injury and extreme financial hardship. These disturbing statistics require a response from state and local governments to keep all bicycle riders safe in California.
Bicycle Accident Statistics
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports approximately 880 bicycle fatalities occur each year in the U.S. Of that number, 17% were either Latino or Hispanic riders in 2020, or 163 fatalities. California bicyclists are subject to more accidents than most since the state ranks #6 in fatalities when considering population. Florida ranks #1.
Risks for Latino and Hispanic Families
According to a study referenced by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), Latino and Hispanic families face higher risks while riding their bicycles. The study shows that children of physical labor workers were 20% to 30% higher while walking or riding their bikes.
Children are in the most danger from motorists. The U.S. Consumer Product Commission (CPSC) notes that around 300 children are killed in bike accidents annually in this country. More than 400,000 children end up in the emergency room due to these accidents. The risk is too high for all children, but especially for Hispanic and Latino youths.
LA County
The Latino-Hispanic population in California is the largest in the nation, which means that Latinos and Hispanics are bound to represent a significant number of bicycle casualties. However, in LA County, they represent a disproportionate number. Nearly half of all LA County residents identify as Latino or Hispanic. However, data shows that 1253 serious bicycle accidents in 2022 involved Hispanics or Latinos resulting in 25 fatalities.
Final Thoughts
The number of fatal bicycle accidents is rising once more across the nation, and that certainly includes California. All drivers should be careful to minimize their distractions while on the road. Bicyclists also need to be more aware of traffic and follow the rules of the road that apply to them.