Fresno Cyclist Injured In DUI Accident May 2018

On Friday, May 11, 2018, a female driver struck down a cyclist riding in Fresno. As of today, the cyclist is recovering from his injuries at a local hospital.

According to ABC30, this accident happened between Poplar and Hedges a little bit after midnight. Allegedly, the driver struck the cyclist when he was stopped by a few recycle cans.

When police arrived on the scene, the cyclist was lying flat on the pavement. First-responders rushed the victim to a local hospital where he’s expected to make a full recovery.

While the investigation into this crash is ongoing, police believe DUI might have played a role in this accident. The female driver involved in this crash is now working with police.

The Dangers Of Cycling In California

Although California is often praised for its cyclist-friendly culture, the truth is that the Golden State is one of the leading states for cyclist fatalities. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), about 338 Californian cyclists lose their lives every year in car crashes. About 4 percent of all fatal car crashes in California involve cyclists, which is 2 percent higher than the national average.

Amazingly, California and only five other states make up 54 percent of bicyclist fatalities in the USA. In case you were wondering, the other nations with the highest rates of cyclist deaths include Florida, Texas, Michigan, Illinois, and New York.

While a few cities in California have adopted the Vision Zero initiative to bring these numbers down, it’s going to take a team effort to increase road safety. Motorists need to show cyclists the same courtesy they would other cars, especially near intersections.

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