California Assembly Bill 1909, authored by Assemblymember Jim Frazier, protects cyclists by holding drivers accountable for unsafe passing. The bill was approved by the Assembly Transportation Committee on May 9, 2016, by a vote of 14 to 0. It now goes to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration.
Under current law, it is only a violation if a driver does not leave “a safe distance” when passing a cyclist. However, there is no definition of “safe distance” in the vehicle code. This bill clarifies that drivers must pass cyclists with at least 3 feet between the widest point of the vehicle and the widest point of the bicycle or its operator.
This bill also requires drivers to slow down before passing a cyclist. Drivers must yield the right-of-way to cyclists before turning or entering an intersection if doing so would jeopardize the cyclist’s safety. These provisions help ensure drivers are aware of and attentive to cyclists on the road.
The penalties for violating these provisions are a base fine of $100 for a first offense and $250 for subsequent offenses. The bill also allows courts to order traffic violator schools as an alternative sentence for a first offense.
Benefits of the Bill to Cyclists
CA Assembly Bill 2466, also known as the California Bicycle Commuter Act, was signed into law in September 2018. The bill provides a tax credit for employers encouraging employees to bike to work. Under the bill, employers can claim a tax credit of up to $20 for each employee who bikes to work at least three days per week.
The bill’s intent is to encourage more people to bike to work, which has several benefits. Biking to work is good for your health, reduces traffic congestion, and helps reduce air pollution.
The bill is also good news for cyclists injured in accidents. The new law requires workers’ compensation insurance to cover all cyclists injured while biking to work. It will help ensure injured cyclists receive the necessary medical care and financial support.
Traffic Rules Understood by Cyclists
To prevent cyclists from being injured or killed by motorists, the California Assembly Bill No. 1785 was enacted. The bill requires all drivers to give a three-foot safe distance when passing a cyclist. This directive applies to all roads, including highways and freeways, where the speed limit is 55 mph or greater. The reasonable and prudent standard means motorists must use caution when overtaking and passing a bicycle. A motorist who fails to give a cyclist at least three feet of space is guilty of an infraction punishable with a base fine of 35 dollars.
CA Assembly Bill 1909 has been designed to provide better protection for cyclists by improving the safety of roads and intersections. The bill has allowed cyclists to proceed through stop signs after coming to a complete stop, as well as permitting larger groups of bicyclists to ride side-by-side instead of a single file. In addition, it requires motorists making turns near cyclists to yield and look carefully before doing so – providing safer rides for all parties involved. These measures sure make cycling more enjoyable and considerably cut back on collisions that sadly often lead to tragic results.