California Pedestrian and Bicyclist Enforcement and Education Project Launches Across California

After receiving a grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the California Pedestrian and Bicyclist Enforcement and Education Project began on October 1, 2018. It will run for one year. There are two major thrusts of this project.

The first thrust is to tighten the enforcement of many laws affecting the safety of pedestrians, bikers and drivers. Law enforcement officials throughout the state will be watching to make sure that laws that affect pedestrians and bikers are being followed. In particular, they will be paying close attention to laws involving passing stopped school buses. They will also be looking for violators not giving bikers at least three feet of space when they are passing them. Furthermore, they will be watching for speeding and distracted driving.

Bikers and pedestrians will also be more closely watched by law enforcement officers. Bikers need to be going with the flow of traffic while riding or they may discover that they are receiving a ticket. They also need to make sure that they are stopping at stop signs and stop lights where appropriate.

The second thrust of the program will be educational. Riders, walkers and drivers may all receive more education about what the law actually says. Everyone should watch for exciting programs in their area to gain a better education of how these three groups need to work together. In 2016, 29 percent of all highway fatalities involved either a biker or a pedestrian.

This is not the first year that the state has been awarded the California Pedestrian and Bicyclist Enforcement and Education Project grant. In 2014, the state received the grant, and they used it for several worthwhile programs. They handed out 1,024 helmets and other safety equipment to riders at events held throughout the state. They also reached almost 3,000 people with safe biking month and hosted seven safety events during International Bike to School Month.

A particular emphasis during both thrusts of this event will be on reaching young people. Law enforcement officials feel that if they can educate the young, then they will grow up knowing the correct procedures to follow along with the importance of safety laws.

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